Day 18 | Humility and Reconciliation
"So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift."
Matthew 5:23-24
Our sermon concluded with Jesus' challenging words about reconciliation. He teaches that restoring broken relationships should take priority even over acts of worship. This underscores how seriously God takes the issue of unresolved conflict and anger between His children.
Jesus' instruction requires humility. It asks us to pause, even in the midst of worship, to examine our hearts and our relationships. It calls us to take the initiative in seeking reconciliation, whether we're the offender or the offended.
This teaching reveals that our vertical relationship with God is intimately connected with our horizontal relationships with others. We can't truly be right with God while harboring anger or allowing conflicts to fester with our brothers and sisters.
The call to reconciliation is a call to actively pursue peace. It might involve admitting we were wrong, asking for forgiveness, or extending forgiveness to someone who has hurt us. It often requires vulnerability and the risk of rejection.
Remember, reconciliation is a process, and it takes two willing parties. We're responsible for doing our part to seek peace, but we can't control how others respond. Even if full reconciliation isn't possible, we're still called to do what we can to live at peace with others.
Ask Yourself
Are there people with whom I need to be reconciled?
What steps can I take today?
How can I cultivate a habit of regularly examining my relationships and seeking reconciliation where needed?
In what ways might pride be hindering me from seeking or offering forgiveness?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the courage and humility to seek reconciliation in my relationships. Help me to understand that our reconciliation needs to impact how I see others.Show me any areas where I need to ask for or extend forgiveness (or ask for it.)Help me to prioritize peace and unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ. May my life and relationships be a testimony to Your reconciling love. In Jesus' name, Amen.