Our Strategy
Pathway Events
We have seen that belief follows belonging. And so, as a church family, we are committed to offering experiences of our community to our family and friends long before we share any deeper beliefs.
To this end, we regularly host social and cultural events for the sake of being a blessing to our community, and to communicate the character of our Father.
Worship is a unique moment, where we come together to bring our hopes, our praises, our fears, our dreams before God. We come with our first and our best gifts, not as an audition but as a celebration that everything we have comes from him, and nothing we need can’t be found in him. In worship we meet with the Father, through the Spirit, in the name of the Son.
But for all of the significance of this experience, we know that God cheerfully crouches down to meet us. This leads us to insist that worship is not just for the mature, or the prepared but for anyone who will come into God’s presence in a spirit of honesty.
Small Groups
Christianity is not meant to be an independent study, when we become Disciples of Jesus we begin to walk alongside other followers. At Good News, Small Groups are the central place of fellowship and formation around God’s word. We meet in 10-week long semesters.